Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer vacation

I have a mountain of laundry left to do.
A whole mountain range, in fact - lights, darks, handwash, blankets, sheets -
it rivals the Cascade range in size and scope.
I have to get it done before I can pack up a box for my daughter
so we can send it ahead to her dad's house for summer vacation.
I was supposed to get the car in for an oil change before we drive up to Seattle
but the garage is booked - can it wait till after the trip? I'll have to check the oil.
I had a list - thought I did - maybe I need to make a new one?
Dinner with Julia- a coaching with Richard - a lesson for Josh - Annie is going to stay overnight
before we leave, so we can get an early start.
What have I forgotten? Well, I don't know -
I forgot.

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